My year 2017 in pictures
Year 2017 is almost over and I have so many happy and exciting memories from this year. I have been to new places, had fun with friends and family and turned 30 this year. Thank you to each and everyone of you who shaped this memories with me.
Beautiful ski day in Obertauern, Austria
Skiing in Dolomites with friend and family – I can never get enough of these beautiful mountains and villages
I turned 30 in February 🙂 Thanks to all the crazy people for an epic party 😛
Discovering where Mr. Bond was skiing at the end of March in Sölden.
Short retreat from the cold to Cyprus in April was just perfect. Beautiful beaches and fantastic food. It was already up to 30 degrees outside.
Nissi Beach
Deserted town of Famagusta as seen from Turkish side of Cyprus. The town is a ghost town from 1974 and nobody is allowed to enter.
In May me and Matic went to chase the snow in the mountains. We ascended Mt. Dolkova Špica. See more memories here…
Valley Vrata with Mt. Triglav in the back.
On the top with beautiful views all around and Mt. Triglav in the back.
The summer is already in full swing in Istria in June…
July was the month to recharge the batteries, to have fun and sail around Dalmatia.
View over Lake Bled from a nearby hill with Mt. Stol in the back.
Vela Luka, Korčula
The old town of Korčula on Island Korčula
August is a perfect time to visit Soča Valley and hike the surrounding mountains. However be prepared, it gets crowded this time of the year.
To fly with Red Bull Air Race pilot Mr. Podlunšek was one of the best experiences ever. Pure adrenalin.
Fall is slowly coming and the colours are changing. It is still very warm at the seaside and the days and sunset colours are just beautiful.
Goriška Brda, Slovenia
Istra, Croatia
The water is receding from flooded Planinsko Polje. Beautiful patterns are revealed only from the air and fall colours complement the scene.
This year the harvest of olives was already in October and this year the yield was really nice. October is one of the most beautiful ones in Istria. The tourists are almost gone, towns become quieter and the light is phenomenal.
We have had a lot of nice warm days in November and the fall colours were slowly disappearing. High up in the alps we got quite a generous snowfall so this year, the first ski day was already on 18th of November.
In the woods somewhere in Slovenia.
Mölltaler Gletscher – 18.11.2017 with all open slopes and -11 degrees.
It is looking good to this winter season!
This is how winter should look like! We have had 2 powder days already in December in Slovenia and we got more snow until the 20th of December than the whole last season combined. Let it snow, let is snow some more 🙂
Thanks to Ana, my family and my friends, my 2017 was great. I hope yours was too! I wish you all, all the best in the upcoming year and may it be even better than this year!