Image by David Lazar

Photoburst is a daily travel photography contest. Among submitted photographs only the best are chosen and are displayed on the Photoburst main page. Among wining photos of the day, every week the photo of the week is chosen and among the wining photos of the week the monthly winner is then announced. The author of the winning monthly image receives a US$50 gift certificate to Kiva + (in even-numbered months only) an invitation to be Photoburst’s guest editor in the following month!

Gastão Bettencourt, Pedro de Sousa and Pedro Ferrão Patrício are the founders of the project, which has attracted hundreds of  travel photographers worldwide. The images that are submitted and get awarded are truly beautiful photographs that tell stories from around the globe. Travel photography daily contest has attracted a large amount of photographers, from professional photographers like Ami Vitale, Dean Zulich, Renan Rosa to amateur photographers. The quality of the images on the site is remarkable.

If you would like to enter the competition, you can submit images if you click here. As with any other competition there are some rules and guidelines, you need to follow and some conditions. Be sure to read them.

Weather you will be entering the competition or not, is a good place to see and enjoy the wonders of our planet and the people living on out beautiful planet.

So far 9 of my images got awarded on Photoburst and you can find them here. Thanks!

Comments (2)

Thanks so much for the kind words, Jus!
Man, you’ve made my day, it really felt nice to read your post!
…and I say, 9 great and inspiring images 🙂

June 5, 2011 - 14:53

    Thanks to you and your team and to guest editors for a great job!
    Yea and thanks for the compliments:)

    June 5, 2011 - 15:11

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