hey jus, i met u at visa diving and i just want to say that your site is gorgeous! i would be interested in talking about displaying some of your photos in a new restaurant i am opening in the next few weeks, let me know if ur interested. you can contact me at leah.cronin@gmail.com. keep up the great work!
Nehaj dražit … :).
hehe, tukaj sem bil jaz lani, zakon, le da smo mi šli plezat -> http://blog.kloc.org/?p=269
ja ni da ni…
tale serija iz Tajske in prejšnja iz Fuerteventure sta zakon. Prava teaserja za nekam iti. Pa na žalost ne znese 🙁
hey jus, i met u at visa diving and i just want to say that your site is gorgeous!
i would be interested in talking about displaying some of your photos in a new restaurant i am opening in the next few weeks, let me know if ur interested. you can contact me at leah.cronin@gmail.com. keep up the great work!