Surfing Fuerteventura
Date : January 6, 2009
It’ll soon be two months since I came back from Fuerteventura, but until now I didn’t have the time to post some more photos. After Fuerteventura I left for Southeast Asia and then to Switzerland. Now I have enough time to process all the images from my trips and I’ll post them as soon as they are ready 🙂 I must say that surfing on Fuerteventura was really amazing, I enjoyed it A LOT and I also learned a lot of new stuff. I’m definitely going back some day. The weather was very pleasant also, air temps were around 22-27°C and water temp 20°C. Some more info in the next posts 🙂
you are my idol man!:)
Juš, pozdravljen nazaj v naši deželici pod Alpami 😉
ko si napisal SE Asia … komi že čakam, da prilepiš kaj fotk na blog! 🙂
Zakon fotke. Zelo dobre barve. Super si prikazal surferje.