Here is my first attempt to shot a short video with the new EOS 5D mkII. The movie is downsized, however you can see it in larger resolution on this link. Shot in Ljubljana ZOO.
Panthera tigris altaica from Jus Medic on Vimeo.
Here is my first attempt to shot a short video with the new EOS 5D mkII. The movie is downsized, however you can see it in larger resolution on this link. Shot in Ljubljana ZOO.
Panthera tigris altaica from Jus Medic on Vimeo.
aaaaaaaaaa……..noroooo….odličen videjo, odličen izbor glasbe in super kvaliteta…lepo res….sem videl že nekaj del te mašince, a ta videjo je res enkraten.
Kako pa si zadovoljen s fotografskim delom aparata???
super filmček in fotke ( tudi včerajšnje). Sem bil danes tudi na poziciji pri tigrih v ZOO. Kakšno fotko in video pa objavim jutri. Idealen čas za fotkanje tigrov…
NORO ….slike video..skratka super!
j3rn2j: v vseh pogledih je fantastičen aparat 😀 nimam druzga ze rečt!
I have to say I’m really impressed with your posts and blog overall. I stumbled on your site accidentally but am now happy I did. I’ll be stopping in to read more often now. Thanks again !
Lou, thanks for your visit and thanks for these encouraging words, it means a lot! Hope to see you around 🙂