Life in Morocco
Date : January 7, 2008
As promised the story continues. This part of the series will be about life in Morocco.
The only interesting thing to photograph in Agadir, besides the people…
I have never seen so many taxis driving around. There are taxis that drive only between the cities, than only in city centers. The majority of cars are very old, so they are quite interesting for us Europeans, while we cannot see some cars like there at home. Next thing exciting or scary is how they drive. It seem that they have no regulations. When you go somewhere with a bus or taxi your adrenaline is pumping as you are wondering (are we going to crash)…

…old Peugeot…
Life is pretty much nothing like we know it here in Europe. Everything is happening very slowly. The next photos shown here were taken in Aurir, Agadir and Marrakech.
…two little angels and Arab girl…
oooo Mr. Juš! nove dogodivščine, novi izgled bloga, nove fotke.. mislim, da nas čaka ena dolga debata na MSNju:)
1. blog si super poštimal!
2. fotke zgledajo super.. okvirček si zadel u nulo:)
kje pa so še kakšne obmorske fotke? jaz bi te rad vidu v enem zaporednem posnetku ala “Cork 360°” z srfom u zraku! Imaš?:)